Saturday, 12 January 2013

Rambling Apologies...

Okay, so I didn't quite do as many extra posts during the holidays as I'd Mainly cos I enjoyed just lazing about, and I was actually enjoying christmas for once, with my boyfriend and his family (my dad usually works during the holidays, and my mum isn't the biggest fan of crimbo...). I've kind of enjoyed the break from doing nail designs, it's gotten to the point where I feel people expect something from me every time I see them, so I started feeling pressurised to do some form of design, which I really didn't want to happen as I love doing nail designs so much. Doing nail designs have been a bit harder for me since I started 3rd year at uni, not because I couldn't think of any designs, but having time to do designs as I get coursework a lot of the time, or I have notes to rewrite. And with me practically living at my boyfriend's flat, I obviously don't have my full polish collection at his, nor the little stick on gemmy/fimo thingies, so if I ever have a random epiphany for a really good design, I dont ever get to do it since I rarely have all the materials needed with me. I've been mainly wearing plain nails, or just easy designs like polka dots which I'm sure you guys have seen billions of times.

I'll be honest and say I'm not sure if I'll be posting much between now and May, when my end of year exams are. Both my modules are year long modules, so instead of having short modules where you get christmas exams and start a new module in the next term/semester, I carry on the same module, so it means I have TONNES of revision to do, plus I have a 2,500 word essay and a poster presentation to do this term, along with other coursework, so it'll be a super busy term for me. I don't want to shut down  my blog, since i've put so much work and time into this, but thought I'd let you guys know. I might start doing swatch posts so fill in the breaks between nail design posts, and maybe pop along to Boots more often ;)

But yeah, I'm kind of bummed out that I rarely have time to do design posts like i used to, like mroe complicated ones like my pokemon or first pacman nails. I've ntoiced my designs lately have become more simplified, which is still good as it shows that you don't need to be an expert to do nail designs, but I kind of enjoyed spending aaages doing my nails, and having everyone oooh-ing and aaah-ing. Gadz. Although come May, I should be free to do more designs.

So in conclusion to this ramble, I'm sorry for posting less designs as I have little time/resources, but will hopefully post more swatches/Boots hauls :)

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