Despite not being a fan of Halloween (bunny ears and a tutu galore in glasgow these days), I'm now enthralled by the gory side of Halloween after watching Tanya Burr's and MakeupbyMel's zombie tutorials. I've decided that I'll properly get into Halloween next year (not enough money to do Halloween last minute this year) and dressup as a gory zombie, and get prosthetics like liquid latex and wax etc and scare the living daylights out of the tutt bunnies and cats next year ;)
Anyways, since my last nail design was more cutesy stuff, I decided to change to a more blood themed design (and I needed a break from yet more uni work). I figured blood spatter was a bit too Dexter-ish, so I went for fingerprints. People say I should watch Dexter since i'm into CSI so much...
After using the Models Own white as a base, I took Barry M's Black Red, dabbed a bit on my pinky finger, dabbed off excess and then dabbed onto the white base. It didn't turn out as defined/well as I'd hoped, but I still quite liked the effect it gave, if it is somewhat a design that you really need to stare at for a while to understand :p I made a bit of a boo-boo on my ring finger, so I covered it up with a blood drip...I'm not sure if this helps the design or inhibits it...I don't think inhibit is a suitable word actually...These notes are getting to me...